Sunday, May 22, 2016

NeilMed Naspira Nasal-Oral Aspirator Review

I would like to first say that I tried this product for free via Mom's Meet Mom Ambassador Group trial. My opinion on the product is not biased because I received the product free. I want to make that very clear.

When My Naspira Nasal-oral Aspirator arrived I wanted to debunk the claims of it not getting snot in your mouth. I also wanted to see first hand if it wasn't painful to the baby when it is used. So like any good mommy, or curious person that isn't bothered by snot. I decided to buy another one and try it on myself first. I know gross right. It really helped that our home was being taken over by drainage and congestion. It really helped that I was drowning in drainage.

I went to the bathroom and sat in front of the mirror  to read the directions and so that I could make sure I was doing it right. .As I sat in front of the mirror, following the instructions in the box. I couldn't stop wondering why I was doing this. I look ridiculous attempting to take my own snot out via this contraption.Surely it wouldn't hurt a child nor back up into the users mouth. Nope this was for the greater good. I told myself. I had to make sure it was safe, and not painful.
Five minutes went by and I was still sitting there with one tube in my nose and the other in my mouth. Now or never, I took a deep breath. That's when I remembered ,I had the aspirator ready to go. That deep breath with the tube in my mouth started the suction of snot from my nose. I had already decided not to do this, mind you,when I inhaled. Had it not been for that momentary deep thought inhaling wouldn't have been an option. I would not have gone through with the experiment and this review would not be as personal.
Okay, I did it, It worked it really worked no back up and no irritated nose!!! I could finally breath, it was amazing.Yes, if you are wondering I went ahead and finished sucking up the snot from the left nostril and forged ahead in the right one. It was gross to watch but it worked. It didn't back up into my mouth. The best part of all I didn't feel anything. Surely if I didn't feel a thing than it would work great on babies. I could hear the chorus playing in the back ground.

Can you imagine never fighting to get boogies out of your babies nose again. Never having to worry about irritating their nose with the bulb aspirators. No more crying because they feel that weird thing in their nose. What a wonderful contraption. It may look disgusting and you may think it is as well but lets be honest we moms deal with gross stuff all the time.

The real test was near, I knew that I couldn't base my review on my own results. I decided to try it on my baby. I was a bit anxious that my premature celebration would end in balloons being busted and cries blocking the sound of the choir. I went for it. I placed it in my little ones nose and began to suck the boogies out. No crying, wiggling or fighting it was just silence beautiful silence , I started and completed both nostrils without any problems. It was so wonderful and best of all my baby wasn't congested anymore either.

Later during our mommy group meeting I demonstrated how to use the aspirator. I was given samples of other NeliMed products and I distributed them to the moms. I was given a few extra Naspira aspirators. I had a contest to a few of the lucky moms. My mom group really loved the NeliMed Naspira as much as I did. We are all thankful to have been chosen to try these products out.

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